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CBD Oil Canada

The following article will provide you essential info you need to know about buying CBD oil in Canada. We’ll be talking about some of the health benefits of CBD oil and also introduce a few brands that sell high quality CBD products. These are some of the most popular CBD products in Canada so be sure to read more about what we have to say about them.

Firstly, if you’re new to CBD and CBD products in general, it’s highly recommended to learn about some of the health and wellness benefits CBD can potentially provide for you and your loved ones. Recently, there has been a host of CBD companies looking to provide Canadians with high quality and lab-tested CBD products. However despite the amount of vendors selling CBD oil,it’s hard to find a reputable and trusted CBD company that will provide you with legitimate and authentic products that actually make a positive difference. Let’s take a look at why CBD might be beneficial for you.

What exactly is CBD?

CBD is shortform for cannabidiol – one of the main cannabinoids produced by the cannabis plant that is responsible for healing and wellness. CBD is non-toxic and non-lethal, it does not intoxicate or provide any “high” that THC does. In fact, it reverses the negative side effects of THC and allows the body to benefit from a host of health benefits from reduced pains, aches, inflammation and even stress and anxiety.

What scientific research has been done on CBD?

A small study by the British Association for Psychopharmacology states that CBD has anxiolytic properties. This means that it can help reduce social anxiety and help those find relief from anxiolytic symptoms.

Harvard University recently stated in their health blog that CBD may help treat various kinds of chronic pain. One study from the European Journal of Pain states that CBD applied on the skin topically could reduce pain and inflammation caused by arthritis.

An additional study was done that showed CBD inhibits inflammatory and neuropathic pain, two of the most difficult types of chronic pain to treat.

Furthermore, a report released from the World Health Organization states, “In humans, CBD exhibits no effects indicative of any abuse or dependence potential…. To date, there is no evidence of public health related problems associated with the use of pure CBD.”

What is CBD Oil and how is it produced?

CBD oil is just one of the many forms of consuming cannabidiol using a carrer oil for ingestion. There are 2 ways of extracting CBD. The first way to produce CBD oil is extracting it from hemp. Hemp is the best way to extract CBD oil due to it yielding the most amount of CBD and the least amount of THC. Whereas marijuana-derived CBD contains a higher amount of THC and lower CBD. This method is the least preferred and it should be noted to always look for hemp-extracted CBD.

Once the CBD has been extracted from the plant, the CBD oil is often mixed with another oil, like coconut or MCT oil. A greater concentration of CBD within a CBD oil product means greater potency and easier consumability.

Are CBD Products Legal in Canada?

According to the Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research, CBD is legal in Canada and has been used in the treatment of various medical conditions.

It has been noted that CBD consumption is generally a safe medication to consume. Patients who have used CBD say that negative drug interactions are very minor. As with most forms of medical treatment, it is advised to continuously monitor the usage of CBD and seek medical help if you experience any issues or problems when using CBD.

Why is CBD Beneficial for Health?

Cannabidiol (CBD) works by attaching to endocannabinoid receptors located in the brain and all over the body. Believe it or not, the human body contains more endocannabinoid receptors than all other receptors in their body. What this means is that humans are meant to consume and utilize the cannabinoids so that their body can regulate its hormones and optimize the endocrine system to maintain regulatory systems like homeostasis.

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) has mentioned that CBD is a viable option to potentially reduce the harmful side effects of chemotherapy.

One study conducted on mice showed that CBD can lead to the shrinkage of tumours. This is a sign that the effects of CBD has the potential to help cancer patients significantly due to its anti-cancerous effects and the ability to stop the growth of tumours.

What is the difference between CBD & THC?

CBD is the primary cannabinoid responsible for the health effects on the human body. Hemp-derived CBD contains less than 0.3% THC while marijuana-derived CBD contains higher amounts of THC and lower CBD. It’s obvious that hemp-derived CBD is the best type due to the higher concentrations of CBD and lower concentrations of THC.

THC is the main psychoactive component in marijuana that gives users an intoxicating or high feeling. It works differently than CBD in that it binds with receptors mostly located in the brain that controls mood, pain and other sensations.

CBD on the other hand does not provide any psychoactive effects on the body, as mentioned earlier in the article, CBD can reverse the effects of THC.

CBD is known to help with many conditions, particularly:

  • epilepsy
  • inflammation
  • stress & anxiety
  • pains & aches
  • migraines
  • depression

THC can potentially help with:

  • insomnia
  • pain
  • low appetite
  • nausea
  • anxiety

Full Spectrum CBD Oil vs. Pure CBD Oil

Many CBD users have reported that Full Spectrum CBD oil is particularly more beneficial than just mere pure CBD oil. The reason being is that Full Spectrum CBD oil contains other cannabinoids like CBN, CBDV and THCV. The combination of these vital cannabinoids work synergistically which allows the human body to maximize its endocannabinoid system (ECS). It also contains very trace amounts of THC.

Pure CBD oil contains only CBD isolate which is the only cannabinoid present. CBD by itself can help with numerous health issues but the debate on whether it being better than Full Spectrum is a hotly contested one. It is also important to note that pure CBD oil contains zero THC. Many users prefer no THC as it provides the peace of mind that no intoxication can occur.

CBD Magic provides a high quality Full Spectrum CBD hemp oil that is one of their flagship products due to it being hard to find elsewhere. Click here to buy Full Spectrum CBD oil in Canada.

If you’re looking for pure CBD oil in Canada, you can purchase it directly from our website. We ship anywhere in Canada and usually takes 2-8 business days depending on where you are located.

How to Consume CBD Oil

The best method of consuming CBD oil is sublingually or under-the-tongue. A dropper is used to draw CBD oil from the bottle and then it is dropped in the mouth without being swallowed. Most recommend leaving the oil in the mouth for at least 30 seconds to ensure maximum absorption. The CBD oil is then absorbed into the bloodstream and utilized by the body.

It has been reported that the most common method of consuming CBD oil in Canada is through a tincture. Usually the CBD oil is mixed with another oil such as MCT or coconut oil and then stored in a 30 mL bottle.

You can refer to the dosage guide on CBD Magic’s website for more information on how much CBD to take based on your individual needs.

What Are Other Types of CBD Products?

CBD can be consumed in a variety of different ways:

  • Oils
  • Gummies
  • Topicals
  • Spray
  • Capsules
  • Isolate
  • Vaporizers

Where Can You Buy CBD Oil in Canada?

It’s relatively easy to buy CBD Oil in Canada. No prescription is required to purchase CBD products from various websites. It is recommended to consult with your doctor first before attempting to incorporate CBD in your lifestyle. Some may not experience the benefits of CBD oil the same as others so it’s important to verify this information beforehand.

Searching for quality CBD products is crucial as there are many companies who have provided customers with fake CBD oil. The best way to ensure you are buying real CBD products is to first do your own research on the company. Most companies post their lab certificates online their website to ensure the legitimacy and authenticity of their own products for sale.

Possible Side Effects of CBD

CBD is generally a safe medication without many major side effects. Here are some possible side effects from taking CBD:

  • Dryness in the mouth
  • Diarrhea
  • Reduced appetite
  • Drowsiness


After all the information surrounding CBD oil in Canada, it can be hard to find a quality and trusted supplier of CBD Oil. Thankfully we pride ourselves on being transparent with our manufacturing and production processes, allowing every CBD user to see how CBD oil is made and how it can help benefit you today. With all the facts about CBD, it’s clear that finding authentic and legitimate CBD is the biggest issue.

Start shopping for CBD products today!


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